Can You Freeze Strawberries?

Can You Freeze Strawberries?

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Summer is almost over (at the time of writing this) and the temperature is going down on a daily basis. But what do you do with all of those leftover juicy strawberries you still have left from your summer crop? Can you freeze strawberries? What’s the best way to store them? Are you going to end up letting them go to waste? 

I’ve got answers to all of your strawberry-based questions. 

(And no, you certainly won’t be letting them go to waste, if I’ve got anything to do with it.) 

Are you sitting comfortably? Ready to begin? 

Can You Freeze Strawberries?

Yes, you can freeze strawberries. 

You can actually freeze them in a whole bunch of ways, too — including whole, sliced, halved, and more.

The best way, and probably the easiest way, to freeze chunks or slices of strawberries, is in a flat, single layer. 

Once they have completely frozen all the way through, you can then transfer the berries (or pieces of strawberries) to another airtight, space-friendly, and freezer-friendly container or bag. 

You’ll find a step-by-step guide to freezing strawberries right here: 

🍓 How to Freeze Strawberries

Is it Better to Freeze Cut or Whole Strawberries?

Strawberries that have been frozen can be quite difficult to work with once you get them out of the freezer. Whole strawberries, for example, are tough to cut while they are still in their frozen state. When defrosted, however, they can be too soft or mushy to be able to properly cut. 

If you need whole strawberries at the other end, or you’re doing something that requires more of a puree or mushy form of strawberry, you can freeze them whole. 

If you are planning on cutting or using sliced, diced or halved/quartered strawberries when you take them out of the freezer, it is recommended that you freeze them in their cut-up form. Slice and dice them before you freeze them. 

How to Freeze Strawberries

Image by azerbaijan_stockers on Freepik

If you plan to thaw your strawberries out before you prepare them, after they have been frozen, you must also take into account the fact that whole strawberries will take longer to completely defrost than smaller, cut-up chunks of the berry. 

The better way to freeze strawberries is the one that works best for you! 

What’s the Best Way to Freeze Strawberries — Sliced or Halved? 

The best way to freeze strawberries is in a way that will help the future version of you. What are you doing to do with those frozen strawberries when you get them out of the freezer and prepare them for your breakfast/dessert/whatever?

If thin or thick slices of strawberry will work best, cut them into thin or thick slices. 

If halves or quarters are ideal, cut them into halves or quarters. 

If whole strawberries are idea, leave them whole when you pop them in the freezer. 

If you aren’t sure what you’re going to do with those strawberries when you get them out of the freezer, I’d suggest cutting them into slices or cubes before you freeze them, just in case. They’ll be easier to work with at the other end. 

Can You Freeze Strawberries Raw?

Yes, you can freeze strawberries raw. In fact, this is probably one of the best ways to freeze them. You can then get them out, thaw them out, and then either eat them raw or cook them in desserts, jams, etc.

When Are Strawberries in Season in the UK?

Image by azerbaijan_stockers on Freepik

Are Strawberries Good After Freezing?

Strawberries are good after freezing…

…providing you freeze them the right way, use them in the recommended timeframe, and cut them up appropriately before you pop them in the freezer. 

Strawberries can sometimes go mushy when you defrost them, especially in their whole form. The fruits tend to get a little less mushy when they are cut up into quarters or chunks.

Super thin slices aren’t recommended for freezing. During the thawing-out process, super thin slices of strawberry can turn to what is basically just slush! 

Do Strawberries Get Mushy After Freezing?

Strawberries can get mushy after freezing. 

They won’t always turn to mush, but a few of them might — and they all will turn to mush if you allow them to touch each other during the freezing process, or leave them on the counter to thaw out. 

Defrost your strawberries out in the fridge rather than at room temperature for best results. 

Grow Your Own!

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What is the Best Way to Freeze Strawberries to Stop Them Turning Mushy?

The best way to freeze strawberries to stop them turning mushy is cut up into cubes, quarters, medium-to-thick slices, or in halves. 

You should also freeze them in a single layer, so that none of the strawberries touch each other while they’re freezing. 

Once fully frozen, move the tray (or flat surface) of strawberries to an airtight container or bag. 

How to Freeze Strawberries So They Don’t Stick Together

If you want to freeze strawberries so they don’t stick together, I recommend following the same advice as mentioned above. 

Freeze them in a single layer. 

Transfer them to an airtight container or bag once they are fully frozen. 

How Long Can You Freeze Strawberries?

Strawberries can be frozen for up to 10 to 18 months. 

This advice is according to the US Department of Health.

If you’re looking for a more British answer, the BBC (in the UK) has slightly different advice: 

“Frozen strawberries are best used within 6 months.” 


I’d personally recommend going for midway between the two: 6 to 10 months. 

Can You Freeze Strawberries?

Image by jcomp on Freepik

If the strawberries are properly frozen (using the method above) and stored in an appropriate airtight container, there is every chance they will still be safe to eat after 18 months. 

Give the strawberries a sniff, see if they’ve changed colour or grown some fuzz, squeeze them to check the texture, and use some common sense. 

If they don’t look/smell/feel right, don’t eat them! 

By Buzzy Kitchen

Lovers of food, owners of opinions, pleased to share!