Can You Freeze Strawberries?
Summer is almost over and the temperature is going down. But what do you do with all of those leftover juicy strawberries? Can you freeze strawberries? >>>
Your Kitchen BFF
Summer is almost over and the temperature is going down. But what do you do with all of those leftover juicy strawberries? Can you freeze strawberries? >>>
Here’s how to freeze mozzarella cheese for best results UK so you can ensure you don't have costly leftovers that end up getting thrown in the bin >>>
You've probably heard that red tomatoes are good and green tomatoes are bad... but, what's the truth? Can you eat green tomatoes? Let's take a closer look >>>
We're so used to eating strawberries in the height of summer, but when are strawberries in season in the UK? And where are out-of-season strawberries from? >>>
There are more than 500 different varieties of avocado grown around the globe, many of which are hybrids. But which avocado variety has the most flavour? >>>
Can you get A1 Steak Sauce in the UK, I hear you ask. Well, you might be happy with the answer. If you like spicy-saucy with steak, here's where to…
Do you know how to tell if an avocado is good just by looking and feeling it, without the need to cut into it and potentially waste a perfectly good…
Today, I’m going to take a deep dive into meatloaf -- what is meatloaf, can you make meatloaf in the UK, and is meatloaf really as bad as the movies…
Eggs actually last a lot longer than most people think, and even longer when they are stored in the right way. But, what is the right way? How long do…
You might not want to eat the brown part of an avocado, mostly because it looks rather unappealing, but the browning of the food is not always an indication that…