How Long Do Eggs Last in the Fridge?

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Eggs are one of the best foods to keep in the kitchen at all times. After all, you can make so many dishes with them – scrambled eggs, all sorts of cakes, poached eggs, fried eggs, omelettes, and many more. But when you buy eggs, how long do you have to eat them? How long do eggs last in the fridge?

How to Store Eggs in the Fridge

You can store eggs in a few different ways, but they tend to last longer when you store them in fridge rather than keeping them at room temperature.

Ideally, you will want to keep the original soft carton or packaging the eggs were sold in, as it is designed to do a number of things to prolong the lifespan of them.

Firstly, it keeps them safe and protected. Keeping eggs in the fridge compartment in the door can sometimes result in eggs flying out onto the floor when the door is pulled with force.

Secondly, the carton actually stops the eggs from absorbing smells from other food items and ingredients.

Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay

How Long Do Eggs Last in the Fridge?

There is no set time for how long eggs last in the fridge, but they are generally known to be safe to eat for up four or five weeks from the date they were laid and packed. You can check this by looking for a pack date on the carton or packaging, if you still have it available.

To find out how to check the pack date and see when your eggs were laid and packed, check out: What is a Pack Date on My Eggs?

Should You Keep Eggs in the Fridge?

Yes, you should keep eggs in the fridge. They last for longer in the cooler environment than they do at room temperature. If you want to avoid wastage, store the eggs in their original cartons or packaging safely in the fridge.

Photo by kendra coupland

How to Use Up Eggs Before They Expire

There are a number of things you can do with eggs that are close to their expiration date.

You can freeze them, either in the form of whites, yolks, or the two combined.

You can bake them in the form of scrambled eggs, on a large sheet baking pan, and then enjoy scrambled egg slices over the next few days. Simply store the squares, covered, in the fridge.

Alternatively, head on over to the recipes page to find easy and quick meals you can make with eggs that are close to their expiration date.

To find out how to check your eggs and make sure they’re still safe to eat, check out: How Can You Tell When An Egg Has Gone Bad?


How to Store Eggs in the Fridge

Keep them in the original carton/packaging where possible. Loose eggs can absorb smells.

How Long Do Eggs Last in the Fridge?

Eggs are considered safe to eat up to 4 or 5 weeks from the pack date.

Should You Keep Eggs in the Fridge?

Yes – it will keep them fresher for longer.

How to Use Up Eggs Before They Expire

You can freeze eggs. You can cook eggs into scrambled eggs (for example) and store leftovers in the fridge to give them an extra couple of days.

By Buzzy Kitchen

Lovers of food, owners of opinions, pleased to share!