About Us

Created in 2022, Buzzy Kitchen was created with the aim of teaching the UK more about food – different foods available right here in the UK as well as all around the world, different ways of cooking foods, saving money on foods, substituting different ingredients, making the leap into vegetarianism/veganism, and more.

It is our goal to give you the answers to your burning kitchen questions, covering everything from ingredients to appliances, cooking methods and storage solutions, and everything else in between.

Each of our posts is extensively researched to ensure that you get the very best answers to your questions, without all the fluff you’re not interested in. It’s all about straight-to-the-point and easy-to-understand answers, here.

All information on the site is correct at the time of writing. Although we try to keep on top of changes, we cannot be held for responsible for price changes, info changes, etc. (Sorry!)