Madras Mocktail Recipe

Madras Mocktail Recipe

Are you in the market for a non-alcoholic drink that feels like a cocktail but is, in fact, a mocktail? Well, friends, I have a treat for you! Based on the madras cocktail, which Difford’s Guide states contains vodka, cranberry juice, and orange juice, it’ll give you the feel of a cocktail without the raging hangover attached. It’s time for me to introduce you to the madras mocktail recipe.

Madras Mocktail Recipe

If you’d normally pick a boozy cosmopolitan at the bar, this non-alcoholic mocktail will tick a few boxes for you. It will (obviously) work for you if you’re a fan of the Madras cocktail and are looking for a good replacement. There’s the tartness of cranberry juice, the bold flavour of orange juice, and a little light tonic water to add some ‘alcoholness’ and fizz within this non-alcoholic madras mocktail recipe, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

I’ll head straight in with the ingredients.


The list of ingredients here is for one drink, filling a traditional Collins glass, which is usually between 300 and 410 ml, or 10 to 14 fl oz (US). The glass gets the name from the drinks it’s used for – John Collins or Tom Collins.

Collins Glass

You’ll need the following ingredients to whip up this refreshing mocktail:

  • Orange Juice – 60ml
  • Cranberry Juice – 60ml
  • Tonic Water – 30ml
  • Ice – crushed/shaved, to fill glass

If you’re one of my American friends, tonic water essentially means club soda. Also, if you don’t want to make the exact amounts that are listed here, just remember: one part tonic water, two parts orange juice, two parts cranberry juice. Got it? Awesome.

The tonic water in this mocktail recipe is easily replaced by lemonade, sparkling water, or even sparkling flavoured water. I love the tonic water in it, personally. It feels more like alcohol, but I can’t really explain why. Without the tonic water it just feels like I’m drinking fruit juice.


You don’t need any cocktail making equipment for this simple drink. You don’t even need to measure the juices to the exact amount if you don’t want to. You could even use any kind of glass you like. I’ve mentioned the Collins glass but use whatever you’ve got to hand. I won’t call the cocktail police on you!

If you’re adding a lemon wedge for garnish, you’ll need a knife and chopping board. That’s pretty much it.

We LOVE the simple ones, right?

Madras Mocktail: Steps

You can make this drink in less than a couple of minutes providing you have all the ingredients you need in the kitchen.

Here are the steps, broken down:

1: Chill the Glass

Chilling a cocktail glass is an important step, because it ensures that the cocktail is served at the perfect temperature, and it stays cool for longer than a few minutes.

To chill a glass, simply fill it with ice, then leave it on the counter while you prepare the drink. When you’re ready to pour, throw out the chilling ice, which will have started melting, and replace it with new ice. Pour the mocktail (or cocktail) into the glass, over the new ice.

2: Mix

Okay, ‘mix’ is a bit of a lie because there’s actually no real mixing involved with this madras mocktail recipe. All you need to do is chuck out the old ice and add new ice, then pour in the cranberry juice, then the orange juice. After that, fill the remainder of the glass with tonic water.

If you’re not much of an ice cube person, you could always consider reusable ice cubes. They are reusable, washable, and re-freezable, so they’ll last for ages.

3: Garnish

This drink really is super simple, and it’s just the thing for a non-alcoholic cocktail in the heat of the summer! You can mix it, leave it layered, add a straw, or do whatever you like with it at this point. It is your drink, after all.

To garnish, add a lemon wedge to the glass, either in the drink or pushed onto the rim. You could also opt for a slice of orange. I’m a big fan of the orange slice, personally.

4: Enjoy

And that’s that. Your drink is ready to… well, drink.

You could easily make this mocktail a cocktail by adding in rum, vodka, or any other kind of spirit that tickles your fancy. The flavours of this fruity beverage work for spring and summer, boozers or non-boozers, and every kind of party or gathering-style event.

You could always liven things up with cocktail or themed decorations, too. Halloween decorations, cocktail umbrellas, and even glittery additions can turn an otherwise average drink into a sparkling, fun, and fabulous one.

Madras Mocktail Alternative Recipe

It’s always good to have options, right? That’s why I’m also sharing another way to make this fruity mocktail. This version very closely mimics the original, boozy madras cocktail, using a non-alcoholic liqueur-style drink, and I think you’ll find it’s the perfect substitute for a late-night boozy beverage.

As per Difford’s Guide for a madras cocktail, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Orange juice – 60ml
  • Cranberry juice – 90ml
  • Vodka substitute – 60ml

When it comes to vodka substitutes, there certainly are plenty to choose from these days. Here are a few of the best rated in the UK:

Madras Mocktail: Conclusion

I know, I know; this one seems too easy, doesn’t it? Well, that’s because it is. I’ve tried and tested it, and I can confirm that it tastes and feels enough like a boozy beverage to take the place of one.

If you’re interested in more non-alcoholic drinks that could easily pass as boozy cocktails, I recommend checking out a few of these while you’re here:

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    By Emma V