How to Make a Passion Fruit Martini Mocktail UK

How to Make a Passion Fruit Martini Cocktail

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Back in the days when I was an alcoholic drinker, passion fruit martinis were once of my absolute favourite drinks. I think I missed those Friday night cocktails with my friends more than I missed any other alcoholic drink, including wine with dinner at the end of a gruelling day. That’s why I decided to learn how to make a passion fruit martini mocktail – without any alcohol whatsoever.

Do you want to learn how?

How to Make a Passion Fruit Martini Mocktail

This recipe uses the white of an egg, so rather than having to literally cut an egg white in half, the below amounts are for two martini glasses full rather than just one. It’s non-alcoholic, so you can chug back as many glasses of this as you like and still drive home!


  • 100ml alcohol-free ‘vodka’
  • Sparkling grape juice (to top up)
  • 1 x egg (for the white)
  • 3 x fresh passion fruits
  • 1 x fresh lemon (for the juice and garnish)
  • 2 teaspoons sugar syrup
  • Ice
Passion Fruit Martini Mocktail Ingredients


  • Two glasses (or one big one)
  • Cocktail shaker
  • Chopping board
  • Sharp knife
  • Spoon
  • Lemon juicer (optional, can be done by hand)
  • Cocktail strainer


It’s passion-fruity, it’s fizzy, and it’s perfect for parties and other events when cocktails are served up. Let’s jump right into how to make it. I’ll break things down, step-by-step. 

Step One: Prepare the Fruit

You will need to grab your three passion fruits and cut all of them in half. From one half, cut a slice or two to garnish the drink at the end.

Grab your lemon and cut that in half, too. You’ll need to juice the two halves.

Lemons for Passion Fruit Martini Mocktail

The average lemon will give you approximately two or three tablespoons. If you don’t have fresh lemons, you could always use two or three tablespoons of lemon juice instead.

Using a spoon to scoop, remove all flesh from the inside of the passion fruit. If you’re using puree or passion fruit juice, you can skip this part.

Some people like to puree the passion fruit in a blender. Others will use it just as it comes, scooped out of the fruit. This one’s down to you. The sieving and shaking stage will help to get rid of the lumps, so pureeing isn’t exactly necessary.

Step Two: Prepare the Glass

If you like your glass to be chilled, now would be the right time to throw some ice in it. The ice will cool the glass down while you’re actually making the drink.

If you’re not chilling the glass first, you can skip this part, too.

Step Three: Prepare the Egg

You will need to crack the egg and remove the yolk from the white. There are several ways of doing this, and countless gadgets to help you do it. I personally like the pinch-bread method. What’s your favourite one?

Step Four: Mix the Cocktail

Grab your cocktail shaker (or whatever you’re using in place of) and add in the following ingredients: lemon juice, egg white, the sugar syrup (/simple syrup) the scooped-out passion fruit (or the puree/juice), and your booze-free spirit of choice.

Step Five: Shake It, Shake, Shake, Shake It

It’s time to pop the lid on the cocktail shaker and shake it with all your might. The more you shake it, the more the egg white will foam up, and the more the chunky pieces of passion fruit will be broken down.

Step Six: Add Ice

If you chilled your glass with ice, pour it into the cocktail shaker along with all the other ingredients.

If you didn’t chill your glass, grab some ice from the freezer and then throw it in. You will know need to give it another good shake. Ideally, you will want to feel the actual shaker turn from skin-temperature (from where you’ve been holding it) to ice-cold. That means the drink is also nice and cold, too.

Step Seven: Sieve. (And Repeat.)

It is best to double-sieve this passion fruit martini mocktail. The fruit itself might have bits in, and the ice might have broken down into teeny-tiny chunks with all your shaking. Double sieving helps to stop those nasty, gritty bits from ruining your drink.

Skipping the sieving step will ruin your drink no matter how much you act like it doesn’t.

Step Eight: Pour and Garnish

When you do the second sieve (or the first, if you’re brave), do it into the glass you plan to serve it up in. When you’re done with the pouring, add the slice of passion fruit to garnish. You can either cut a tiny slit and then place it on the edge of the glass, or you can leave it floating on the surface. This choice is all yours!

Step Nine: The Step You’ve Been Waiting For

You can now take a big sip of your non-boozy cocktail. You put in the arduous work to make it, so damn straight you deserve to sit down and enjoy it.

How to Make a Passion Fruit Martini Cocktail

Tips & Substitutions

If you don’t have passion fruit, you could always use passion fruit juice rather than the actual fruits. Using the fruit is a bit messier than juice. You can also buy cocktail-ready passion fruit puree too.

You can use most kinds of alcohol-free ‘spirit’ in this passion fruit martini mocktail, so don’t worry about replacing ‘vodka’ with whatever else you have to hand.

If you’re not sure where to start in the world of alcohol-free ‘alcohol’, these are great starting points:

3 Interesting Facts About Passion Fruit:

1: We didn’t have passion fruits here in Europe until 1553.

For a little comparison, potatoes were first believed to have been brought to the UK in 1570 or thereabouts, and turkeys in the UK reportedly date back to 1541.

It sounds like Europe was a very bland and dull place to eat in before the 1500’s, doesn’t it?

Passion Fruit Martini Mocktail

2: There are four main ‘types’ of passion fruit.

These are all slightly different, and known as giant granadilla, sweet granadilla, yellow passion fruit, and purple passion fruit.

3: The average passion fruit is made of more than 70% water.

So, not only does this cocktail not contain any alcohol, you’re upping your water content at the same time. I’d say that was winning, wouldn’t you?

Non-Alcoholic Drinks Similar to Passion fruit Martini Mocktail

If you’re on the hunt for non-alcoholic cocktails similar to this one, I think you should also take a peek at these:

By Buzzy Kitchen

Lovers of food, owners of opinions, pleased to share!